Portfolio performance. Holding period return What we would like to do now is to take our portfolio optimization model for a dry run and see how different allocation strategies are put together and evaluated for performance post allocation.  We will introduce and use the concept

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You are interested in creating your own investment portfolio. What are the elements or factors that you should consider when putting it together? In finance, there are two main pricing theories for valuing or assessing portfolios. The first one is the capital asset pricing model

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Portfolio Management. Calculating Beta Alpha. Beta measures the covariance of a security with respect to a market index. In our expanded data set, we have now added currencies, bonds and commodities. In addition to the two equity market based index for NYSE and NASDAQ, we have

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The difference between Beta and Alpha? The market portfolio is a unique animal. It provides an opportunity for diversification as well as ruin.  Markets shift direction at short notice and while rising tides raise all boats, the true performance of a fund manager is determined

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Building Excel Portfolio Management worksheets.  On day one of our course on portfolio management we introduced the basic concept and challenges of portfolio management. We also introduced the securities universe we are planning to use as part of our five day workshop. On day two we

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How does EXCEL calculate DURATION for settlement dates between coupon dates? This was a question posed by one of our readers recently. We have already examined the calculation of Price & Duration when settlement dates equal coupon payments dates in our earlier posts: Macaulay Duration

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Social Champ. The secret social media tool behind our social referral take off. I will be the first to admit. I don’t get social media. Last week I ran into something a little different that made me generate social media referrals and conversions I had never seen

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Social Champ. The secret social media tool behind our social referral take off. I will be the first to admit. I don’t get social media. Last week I ran into something a little different that made me generate social media referrals and conversions I had never seen

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Portfolio Management. Risk and return. What is the first image or thought that comes to your mind when you hear the term Portfolio management? Making money trading shares? Figuring out allocation of investments across a group of selected securities? Changing market prices and volatility? Capital

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Portfolio Management. Risk and return. What is the first image or thought that comes to your mind when you hear the term Portfolio management? Making money trading shares? Figuring out allocation of investments across a group of selected securities? Changing market prices and volatility? Capital

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