Welcome to the weekend and three spanking new courses live at Finance Training Course.com

In the Pitching Case Studies course (55 minutes) we review common challenges faced by startup and venture teams in making an impression, including:

  1. Making a pitch real
  2. Breaking the “They can’t do it mindset”
  3. Presenting and pitching financial models
  4. Visualizing customer pain and choice
  5. Building credibility with your audience
  6. Listening to the voice of the customer

The Pitching your business plan course (3 hours and change) was the original pre-requisite that led to Pitching Case Studies. While case studies dissected actual pitches, Pitching your business plans presented the framework that was used for dissection. Starting from the voice of the customer, we quickly waltz through business models, competition, competitive advantage and pitching.

In early September we ran Cross Selling Treasury Products (90 minutes) in Dubai for an audience of Corporate and Private Bankers. A market oriented video edition of our Treasury risk series, the Treasury product course focuses on the client exposure estimation question. Designed for Corporate RM’s and account managers, the video helps walk through the process and tools required to structure a solution for a client using a case study. Cross Selling Treasury Products goes live for purchase on Monday, 17th October.


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Three new posts at the Finance Training Course portal this week that broke the popularity graph.

Continuing Profession Education (CPE) online learning solutions for actuaries

Stress testing crash course for Board of Directors and Board Risk Committee members

Cross selling treasury products

Two new online video based courses – The Stress Testing, ALM and Capital Adequacy Crash Course and the shorter and more cost effective ALM and Capital Adequacy Crash Course are live and available for purchase.

In over six hours of video based instruction the two courses cover the following topics

The Stress Testing, ALM and Capital Adequacy Crash Course

  1. The need for stress testing
  2. Stress testing capital
  3. Stress testing methodology
    1. Price Risk
    2. Credit Risk
    3. Interest Rate mismatch & ALM
    4. ALM reports and extending them

Annexure and related topics

  1. Using Value at Risk – the Value at risk course
  2. Understanding Capital
  3. Understanding Capital Adequacy
  4. Understanding Duration and Convexity

The ALM and Capital Adequacy Crash Course

  1. Introduction to ALM
  2. Interest Rate mismatch & ALM
  3. ALM reports and extensions
  4. Evolution of Capital Adequacy requirements
  5. A review of ICAAP (Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process) and Basel II (III) – Liquidity risk adjustments

Annexure and related topics

  1. Using Value at Risk – the Value at risk course
  2. Understanding Duration & Convexity